The artistic process, as told by artists

Welcome to ArtAsForm, where the creative spirit of contemporary art comes to life. Our video series is dedicated to exploring the art world of the 21st century, featuring interviews and studio visits with some of the most exciting artists of our time.

Founded by Anastasiya Shelest, ArtAsForm is a unique platform that provides an in-depth look into the lives and practices of artists. Our videos showcase the artists' processes and offer an intimate look into their studios, giving audiences a glimpse into the creativity and inspiration behind their works.

We believe that the digital age provides us with the opportunity to bring contemporary art to a wider audience, and our goal is to utilize this technology to introduce emerging and mid-career artists to both seasoned art lovers and those who are newly interested in fine art.

At ArtAsForm, we are passionate about giving a voice to contemporary artists from around the world. Our mission is to provide a platform for artists to share their wisdom and stories with audiences everywhere, helping to promote and preserve the vibrant cultural heritage of contemporary art for generations to come.